
Hi, I'm C7 (and Mom).

I love playing with Legos. I always ask my mom to take pictures of my Lego inventions. I like to use my Lego pieces in a lot of different inventions. I have shelf in my room where I keep my inventions until I need those pieces again.

One day I asked my mom to share the pictures of the inventions on a website. She helped me learn how to take pictures and put the pictures on the computer. She helps me type the words for the captions under the images.


Mom: Will you ever get tired of playing with Legos?
C7: No.

Mom: Is there such a thing as too many Legos?
C7: No. (laughing)

Mom: What is your favorite things about Legos?
C7: I think they help your brain.

Mom: When is it a good time to play with Legos?
C7:  Morning and Afternoon.
Mom: Why not Night?
C7: Because we read books at night.

Mom: What are your favorite books?
C7: Lego books.

To be continued...

Question for C7? Email tiffanyglass@gmail.com